Rising Above Resilience Fatigue: Cultivating Inner Resilience for Lasting Well-being

Do you ever get tired of being resilient? Exhausted from trying to stay positive in difficult situations? You may even be asking, “When is it going to get easier?” 

As much as I do believe it’s important to rise above tough times, to find resilience in the face of life’s difficulties (many of which may be out of our control) this really hit home for me recently. My mom faced some unexpected medical challenges and I found myself struggling to be resilient in order to be strong for her and to work with all of her doctors regarding her medical care. It was exhausting and overwhelming at times. There were even moments I felt defeated, worrying that I wasn’t doing enough to support her.

No matter who we are and the curveballs life throws at us, we can’t escape life’s difficulties. Facing challenges is part of being human. But here’s what I know to be true: Being resilient doesn’t mean you have to be strong all the time!

So what do you do when you don’t have the energy or you’re simply too tired to be resilient? Here are some strategies that will help you navigate through these feelings

  • Self-compassion: Be kind to yourself. Acknowledge that it's okay to feel tired and it doesn't diminish your strength or value as a person because you don’t feel like being resilient.

  • Develop a “coping skills toolbox:'' Coping is all about how we behave in difficult and stressful situations and no matter how terrible our circumstances might be, even if we have little or no control over what’s happening, we can still decide how we respond. Remind yourself of your ability to bounce back from difficult situations, the challenges you've overcome in the past and the strengths and coping skills you've developed along the way. Make a list, if you can, of positive coping strategies that have worked for you such as exercise, healthy eating, adequate sleep, and engaging in hobbies or activities you enjoy. 

  • Set boundaries: If possible, say no to additional responsibilities or commitments. Also, allow yourself to step back from the situation and give yourself permission to take a break. Setting healthy boundaries can help alleviate some of the pressure and help you regain your energy to be resilient.

  • Seek professional help: It's okay to ask for help when you need it. Taking care of your mental and emotional well-being is essential, and sometimes that means acknowledging when you need support. So, if  you're feeling constantly overwhelmed and unable to cope, consider seeking help from a therapist or counselor. They can provide you with tools and strategies to better manage stress and build resilience.

    One of my mom’s favorite quotes is, “The goal of living is to be able to absorb all of the pain of life and lose none of the joy.” There’s no “quick fix” to absorbing the pain of life, nor easy solutions to avoid it entirely. Finding our resilience and building it back up again, no matter how tired we may be, is a gradual process that takes time and practice. With consistent practice, we can learn to cultivate a more adaptive, stronger, resilient mindset over time and learn how to give ourselves grace, even when things feel hard, and savor the joy when possible.

    If you’re interested in learning more resilience coping strategies to stay calm, confident and even thrive in tough times, check out my course “Dare: To Rise Above Tough Times” on BrunnerAcademy.com.


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